Call (08) 9274 4333

45 Elgee Rd, Bellevue WA 6056 Australia

Call (08) 9274 4333

45 Elgee Rd, Bellevue WA 6056 Australia

Blasting & Painting

Blast & Paint to Client Specifications & Deliver a High Quality Finish

Better Wear Welding’s blast and paint facilities are in-house. We have the ability to blast and paint to client specifications and deliver a high quality finish. We have successfully applied various systems from a simple blast and prime to more complex three coat systems.


  • Blast room 5m x 4m x 2.8 high
  • Spray booth 16m x 5m x 6m high
  • Measuring and test equipment to monitor paint conditions and thickness

We’re always interested in new projects, big or small. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.
